Egy levélváltás rövid kivonata az Amiga új elnökével,
amely levél az õ Amigával kapcsolatos bejelentése után készült


I don't want to waste your valuable time, so it will be very short.

The one thing, which hurts the Amiga community most is the follow:
under the nineties only one company held up the Amiga, almost alone: this company is the Phase5 DP.

And now, as weather get's brighter came an other well known name, H&P, and erradicted and claimed all glory of those years, claims the right to have the one and only PPC kernel (with no hardware behind, - in real - terminating the P5's (far better) kernel on the P5 cards)...

And finally now, the official Amiga decided to have H&P (may I guess, Warp) and Picasso standards in the future: but please take a look at the best hardware available: it's a P5 turbo board, with excellent (and far the most stabile) PowerUP kernel, and a P5 graphic board, with Rage3D support.

If you will continue supporting companies such as H&P who made almost nothing in the past, and gave us very questionable programs, and will IGNORE the manufacturer of the most commonly used, and far the best Amiga hardware available - this will HURT the Amiga community, and will lead to something like war, and the result will be masses, who hate and ignore the official Amiga.

Once more, with sorry for wasting your time, many thanks for your patience, sincerely yours:

Emeric SH
Co-Editor of AMIGAonly paperback magazine,
Editor of SpaceHawks' WorldNews discmag


Dear Emeric,

Unfortunately, I am new to the Amiga community and there are many areas I don't know. I depended on Petro to make the right decision on O/S 3.5 given his understanding of the community. It was my understanding that H&P was the best choice at this time since Phase 5 was not supporting the Amiga anymore.

Maybe I should have spent more time understanding the situation but the decision is now made. I will be more careful in the future. Petro is now working closely with Phase 5 to get them back into the Amiga community.

You may have seen that they have announced products for the Amiga again.

I am also scheduled to meet with Phase 5 in two weeks when I travel to Germany. I will take the time to understand this situation.

Thanks your for your comments and insight.

Sincerely, Jim


Nos, ez azt hiszem elsõ nekifutásra hangzik olyan biztatónak, mint az eredeti bejelentés. Reméljük a folytatás is ilyen biztató lesz.

Emeric SH